Newark Unified School District Master Plan

Newark Unified School District

In May of 2018 the NUSD Board of Trustees passed a STEAM resolution setting in motion a vision to reinvent the school experience for the entire TK-12 district. Aedis is charged with helping the district implement this transformation beginning with an update to the 2011 facilities master plan (FMP). The FMP update will include current facilities maintenance needs, an assessment of current STEAM educational effectiveness district-wide, and site plans, strategies, and cost estimates that chart a course forward, preparing the community for a future bond.

The District leadership emphasized that Transparency and Community Engagement were key and Aedis responded by designing and facilitating a series of stakeholder engagement workshops that began with leadership team building and a district wide Design Thinking Workshop that resulted in a shared set of guiding principles.


Emphasized that Transparency and Community Engagement

800,000 sf


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