Kaitlin Bailey

Project Manager

Why Aedis?

Since joining Aedis in 2017 as an assistant project manager, I’ve loved being able to make an impact in the community I lived and played in as a child. Whether it’s exterior painting for a site we visited during badminton away games, modernizing the track and field facilities for an old marching band ‘rival,’ or building a new facility at the community college generations of my family attended, the impact of my daily work is tangible and fulfilling. I enjoy being surrounded by people who care about improving the lives of others, and who understand the opportunity for architecture to be a means for equity and a venue for inspiration.

Outside the office…

When I’m not reminiscing or contemplating on our role in the built environment, I’m often venturing out to explore a new hiking trail or introduce generations of friends (and strangers) to slacklining – with no major injuries to date! If I’m not out at a county park, then I’m usually baking up a sweet treat and rarely following the recipe as written.